Welcome to the River Parish Council website. Keep up to date with the latest information by following the Parish Council on Facebook and X. Subscribe to the Parish blog for local announcement.
Parish Council Meetings
The Parish Council meets at 7pm on the second Tuesday each month (except August and December) in River Methodist Church on Lewisham Road. Residents are welcome to attend and there is an item on the agenda for questions from the public. The next meeting is on Tuesday 11th March 2025.
Notice of Conclusion of Audit
The audit of accounts for River Parish Council for the year ended 31st March 2024 has been concluded. The Annual Governance and Accountability Return is available for inspection by any local government elector of the Parish of River on application to the Parish Clerk on Tel./Text 07518 414792 or by email to: office@riverparishcouncil.org.uk
Visit the Finance page to view the full notification and see a copy of full Annual Return.
For regular updates, visit the blog page (or subscribe to receive notifications by email), You can also Like our facebook page or follow our Twitter feed. Email the Parish Council direct with any queries or come along to one of our meetings.
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