Kent Walking and Cycling Plan Public Consultation

Kent Highways are consulting on proposals for 30 new and improved walking, wheeling, and cycling routes and zones as part of a countywide Kent Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan.

The feedback received so far has been used to help identify and prioritise 15 walking and wheeling zones and 15 cycling routes, which will form the first version of the KCWIP. Feedback on these is essential in helping finalise the plan.

Click this link to view the interactive maps, where you can drop a pin and add your comment. You can also find out more about the development of the plan, complete the questionnaire or ask the team a question. The team are also holding three public events in November, details of which are on the website. The nearest event is at the Guildhall in St.Peter’s Place, Canterbury on Thursday 16th November from 2pm until 7pm. The consultation is open until 10th January 2024. 

If you would like a printed copy of the consultation booklet or questionnaire, or for any alternative formats then send an email to or telephone: 03000 421553.

By clerk

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