The Parish Church of St.Peter & St.Paul River
Reverend Andrew Bawtree
The Vicarage, 23 Lewisham Road, River
Telephone: 01304 822037
Click to visit website
River Methodist Church
Reverend Catherine Wagstaff
River Methodist Church,
Lewisham Road, River
Click to visit website
River Primary School
Lewisham Road, River
Head of School: Neil Brinicombe
Telephone: 01304 822516
Click to visit website
River Village Hall
Common Lane, River
Bookings: Mrs. Jean Thomas
Telephone: 01304 823803
Click to visit their website
‘Rivall’ Village Magazine
Published by River Village Hall Trust, distributed quarterly
Editor: Jay Smalley, Telephone: TBC
Adverts: Mrs. Helen Simmonds, Telephone: 07900 815161 or click to email
River Gardeners
All events take place in River Village Hall, Common Lane. River. Contact: Paul Jaconelli (Chairperson), Telephone: 01304 897484 or email.
Visit their website or Facebook page
River Women’s Institute
Meet 3rd Thurs. of the month at 2pm in the Village Hall
Pres.: Mrs. Pat Boughton, Telephone: 01304 822777
Sec.: Mrs. Maggie Waite, Telephone: 01304 822654
Visit their Facebook page
Crabble Corn Mill Trust
Crabble Corn Mill,
Lower Road, River, Dover, CT17 0UY
Tel. 01304 823292
Click to visit website
River Pre-School Playgroup
Methodist Church Hall, Common Lane, River, Dover, CT17 0RA,
Telephone 01304 449302
Click to email
Click to visit Facebook page
Abbey Pre-School
at the Christian Centre,
St.Peter’s Church, Minnis Lane, River
Telephone: 07702 453234
Click to visit website
Choo-Choos Day Nursery
Crabble Road, River
Telephone: 01304 822592
Visit their website
River Bowling Club
River Recreation Ground
Contact: TBC
Telephone: TBC