With Christmas and New Year now behind us, Dry January offers a good opportunity to tackle the amount of alcohol we drink. Support is available in Kent, not just for this month but throughout the year.
Take the Quiz:
‘Know Your Score’ is a simple online quiz for Kent residents to see if the amount of alcohol they are drinking could be affecting their emotional, mental and physical health. The test can help give some initial guidance by asking a series of simple questions to help gauge how much alcohol they are consuming and the effects it could have on their short and long term health. Depending on their score, appropriate key messages and vital advice about where to find help are then delivered by different experts and health professionals.
Safe Limits:
The Department of Health recommends drinking levels do not regularly exceed more than 14 units a week. One pint of strong beer or cider equals three units, as does a large (250ml) glass of wine. A small (175ml) glass of wine amounts to two units while a bottle of beer can mean 1.5 units, depending on the alcoholic strength of the drink.
Many people simply are not aware of how much they are drinking. Figures show the majority of people (79%) drink sensibly and in safe limits but excessive alcohol consumption can lead to high blood pressure and also trigger an irregular heartbeat, both of which increase the risk of having a stroke. It is also a risk factor for some cancers, particularly head and neck cancers and breast cancer. Heavy drinking increases the risk of having a stroke by more than three times.
Visit the links below to take the online test or for more advice.
To take the interative quiz, visit: www.kent.gov.uk/drinkless
For for help and advice about small changes you can make to improve your health and wellbeing, visit: www.oneyoukent.org.uk
For other support available in the county, visit: www.kent.gov.uk/social-care-and-health/health/alcohol-and-drug-support