Booking to use Kent County Council’s Household Waste Recycling Centres starts today. You can book a slot either online by clicking this link, or by Telephone on: 03000 417373.
Depending on demand, you may be placed into a virtual queue.
Government advice about essential visits to Waste Recycling Centres is that: journeys must only be made if the waste cannot be stored without causing risk of injury, health or harm. No other reason for the journey would be considered a legitimate purpose. If you can temporarily store your waste or recycling in a way that does not pose a risk to safety or human health, then you must do so.
Sites will open on Friday (May 15) for essential use between 9am and 3pm rather than the usual opening hours in order to allow for enhanced cleaning. The site may need to close temporarily for cleaning with no warning.
KCC urges residents that need to use the Waste Recycling Centres, to read the advice on their website before travelling to ensure you can comply with the new rules, such as wearing gloves on site, and bringing proof of booking with you. Most sites will be open seven days a week, and will accept all types of waste including chargeable items.
- Visitors to the site will be limited to help manage social distancing.
- The number of bookings for each site will vary depending on the size of each site.
- You can only access the sites by booking an appointment. The quickest way to book is online.
- You can only book one trip in any four-week period. This is to enable all residents to have fair access to our sites.
- If you want to drive a restricted vehicle to a Kent council site, you’ll still need to apply for a vehicle voucher. Restricted vehicles are not allowed to tow a trailer.
- Bookings will only be accepted from residents in Kent and Medway.
- You should not try to book a visit if you have symptoms of Covid-19, if you are part of a household undertaking 14-day isolation, or if you someone who is in the shielded category.
- If you booked online you must bring your proof of booking email, either a printed copy, or displayed on your phone.
- If you booked over the phone, bring the booking reference number you were given when you made your booking.
- To reduce infection risk, your car windows should remain closed when showing proof to staff.
- You must attend the site within your booking slot. If you miss your slot, you may not be allowed to use the site.KCC suggest you stagger your entry times, within your booked slot, as they are expecting a high demand for the service.
- You must have a pair of gloves (garden, latex, rubber etc) and a mask (if available) to limit the risk of infection, these must be taken home with you and disposed of.
You will need to observe the social distancing measures when visiting the sites. Staff will not be able to offer their usual assistance to help unload and dispose of waste.
A maximum of two people can leave each vehicle to dispose of bulky items without site staff help. However, if you do not have bulky items to dispose of then only one person can leave the vehicle to dispose of waste.
Traffic management will be in place at all sites. Some sites may also block off every other parking bay, so that customers and staff can keep to social distancing guidelines. Staff will direct you.
You will not be allowed onto the compactor platforms when a member of staff is operating the machines.
KCC ask that visitors are patient as we all get used to this new way of using the sites. The restrictions are in place for everyone’s protection. If you do not follow site rules you may be asked to leave. Security will be in place at the sites. Please be aware that site security includes Automatic Number Plate Recognition, CCTV, and body-worn cameras.
If you need to dispose of waste contaminated with coronavirus this should be carried out at kerbside. If this is not possible then you need to double bag the material and store this securely for 72 hours before bringing it to the site.