Kent County Council have secured funding for a Puffin Pedestrian Crossing on the Alkham Road to connect Kearsney Abbey and Russell Gardens. A Puffin Crossing is a pedestrian crossing with traffic lights which go green again only when no more pedestrians are detected on the crossing by infrared detectors and mats. The funding is for the current financial year. Below are the details received from KCC along with details of how you can comment on the plans.
What are they planning to do?
Kent County Council are proposing the installation of a puffin crossing on Alkham Road between Russell Gardens and Kearsney Abbey (near Abbey Road).
Why do they want to do this work?
To improve pedestrian connectivity between the two park areas of Kearsney Abbey and Russell Gardens. They previously carried out highway works on Alkham Road which included widening footpaths, narrowing the carriageway, increasing the extent of the 30mph speed limit and the installation of wooden bollards. To build upon these works, they now propose the installation of a new signalised pedestrian crossing – a puffin crossing. This will provide for safer pedestrian movements across the busy Alkham Road and further enhance pedestrian connectivity between the parks.
What will the scheme involve?
The installation of a puffin crossing to the east of the car park near Abbey Road. Localised footway widening, kerb works and carriageway surfacing will be required along with associated signing and lining. The existing Vehicle Activated Sign will need to be removed due to its proximity to the new crossing. A new vehicle dropped crossing point will be provided to the east of the new puffin crossing to allow access to Russell Gardens for maintenance purposes. Additional wooden bollards will be provided on the southern footway (Kearsney Abbey side of the road) to help reduce footway parking problems. The wooden bollards on the northern footway (Russell Gardens side of the road) will be repositioned a safer distance from the kerb edge.
When will the work start and how long will it take?
Following a successful bid for government funding via the Local Transport Plan, this scheme is proposed to be implemented in the current financial year (2019/20). Prior to any works taking place you will receive further communication informing of construction dates and details of how the works will take place and their duration.
Local & stakeholder engagement:
Kent County Council would like to hear from you, should you wish to support or object to these proposals, or if you have any other points that you feel are appropriate to be considered as part of the progression of this scheme. Click here to see a plan of the proposals. You can also see the proposals online at by clicking here.
How to contact Kent County Council:
Please contact us either in writing to: Schemes, Planning and Delivery Team, Kent County Council, Javelin Way, Ashford, Kent. TN24 8AD or by e-mailing quoting Alkham Road Puffin Crossing.
The deadline for any responses is Monday 24th June 2019.